Thursday 26 September 2019


This is Junior and I wearing a Kimono.
Mrs Gully brought her kimono's in to school from her house. She had so many different kimono's my favourite kimono she brought in was the one I was wearing. It is a summer kimono.
Mrs Gully she said some of them were very special so we couldn't wear them.
She also let me wear her Obi as well.
This is a Obi Image result for obi kimono

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aimee, I'm Arie from Kaingaroa school in the far far north. I really like the kimono they look COOL! I was at Japanese class once and the teacher bought a traditional ninja suit and I was the person who got to wear it. Next time can you please state why your teacher bought them. Is you teacher Japanese or did she inherit them or buy them?


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