Friday 17 April 2020

Hide and seek

Hide and seek/spotlight/go home stay home
 It was dark,
Me and my cousins squirming on the wet grass getting colder and colder,
Hoping that the seeker would walk right past us and we could dash to the home base,
 But as soon as the phone went BEEP BEEP
My Uncle/the seeker turned on his flashlight and came looking,
Lucky for us he walked the other way and we made a fast escape to the home base but…
He caught us and shone the bright light into our eyes we couldn’t stop because we wanted win,
 Not being able to see my cousins I just ran around the seeker and into the trees near the shearing shed,
I thought my cousin got caught but no!,
I heard little footsteps walking towards me as I backed away still not wanting to be caught,
I was about to run when I heard a little voice say “Aimee” it was Kyro
I asked If he had been caught but he said “No not yet but Jaxon got caught”
so we decided to make a run for the home base a second time this time we
made it and saw My Mum and Kyro’s Mum had got caught just like Jaxon
As soon as we got to the top of the paddock/the home base
we yelled “GO HOME STAY HOME 1 2 3” as loud as we could
just to let the others no we had won.
 As soon as everyone else had either got caught or made
we all went inside for a hot chocolate so we could warm up!


  1. Hi Aimee

    I really enjoyed reading your Hide and Seek piece of writing. I can just imagine you lying there on the cold wet grass waiting for your chance to run for the home base. I like that you have used the word squirming, it describes it very well. Makes me feel cold!
    Is this something that you have done with your family on the farm or is this your imagination?
    Great work Aimee, keep it up! It was fun to read!

    Hope all is good in your bubble!

    Talk again soon
    Mrs Costello :)

    1. Hi Mrs Costello

      Yes this is a real story whenever we go to the farm we
      play some sort of game.
      there are normally heaps of us but that story was just a few of cause everyone else was so they went inside!


  2. Kia Ora Aimee,
    I hope you and your beautiful family are all safe and well and keeping warm.
    Are you enjoying Learning from Home?
    I like your hide and seek poem. It was kind of a mix between a poem and a short descriptive story. Don't forget you can always add a little punctuation if you want. I agree with Mrs Costello "Squirming" is a very descriptive word and it brings up all sorts of images and feelings. When I read the word 'squirming" I always think of worms because they squirm and because it rhymes.
    Looking forward to seeing you again soon!
    Mrs Gully

  3. Kia ora Aimee, What a descriptive piece of writing- we can all picture this game. I like your use of punctuation which adds to the quality of your work. It seems you have played this game and really enjoyed it!


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.